Monday, September 9, 2013

Universitas Nasional, private university in Jakarta

Universitas Nasional

Universitas Nasional
Universitas Nasional is the oldest private university in Jakarta and the 2nd oldest in Indonesia. It was founded by several Indonesian scholars on October 15, 1949, as Akademi Nasional.
Universitas NasionalUniversitas Nasional was founded on October 15, 1949 at the initiative of Indonesian scholars gathered in The Association of Advancing Science and Culture. The founders included: Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana, R. Teguh Suhardho Sastrosoewignjo, Soedjono Hardjosoediro, Prof. Sarwono Prawirohardjo, Prajitno Soewondo, Hazil, Kwari Kartabrata, Prof. Dr. R. M. Djoehana Wiradikarta, R. M. Soebagio, Ny. Noegroho, Dr. Adam Bachtiar, Dr. Bahder Djohan, Dr. Johannes Leimena, Ir. Abd Karim, Prof. Dr. Soetomo Tjokronegoro, Ali Budiharjo, Poerwodarminta, Soetikno, Ir. TH. A. Resink, Dr. Soemitro Djojohadikoesoemo, Noegroho, Soejatmiko, HB Jassin, Mochtar Avin, L. Damais, M. Akbar Djoehana, Miss Boediardjo, and Miss Roekmini Singgih.
Courses led by Dr. Adam Bachtiar gave an understanding on science to Indonesian citizens. PMIK then opened an afternoon high school to students who worked in the morning, to continue their study.
Universitas NasionalPMIK services then broadened to establish an academy called Akademi Nasional. Those who didn't want to enter Dutch East Indies colonial university, Universiteit van Indonesia, could enlist at Akademi Nasional which became Universitas Nasional. The 1st lectures were held at the 1st campus on Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta on October 15, 1949, which is taken as the birth of Universitas Nasional.
Despite being a private university, The Ministry of Education, Teaching and Indonesian Culture which was located in Yogyakarta had been given recognition and equal status to Akademi Nasional through a letter No. 548/S on December 22, 1949. The next development of legalization was through a notary R. Soewandi, PMIK was changed into YMIK on September 1, 1954 and Akademi National would place its name as Universitas Nasional.
During the university’s 2nd lustrum, October 15, 1959, the 1st Indonesian president, Soekarno, bestowed the title “the University of Liberation”.
At first, YMIK, for Diploma program, ran a National Foreign Language Academy, National Accounting Academy (Akademi Akuntansi Nasional in 1974) and National Tourism Academy (Akademi Pariwisata Nasional). Today, Universitas Nasional and its Academies have begun to open another 32 programs of study at Diploma, Undergraduate and Graduate levels respectively.
Sawo Manila, BambuKuning, and R.M. Harsono.
Universitas Nasional is governed by a Board of Trustees and the rector. The Chairman of the Board is Prof. Ibrahim Abdullah. Other Trustees include Ramlan Siregar, and Asyathry Said Umar.
The Rector is El Amry Bermawi Putera who was the vice-rector of finance at Nasional University before being chosen by the Board of Trustees in 2009. Mr. Putera is the 7th rector of the university.
Universitas Nasional
schools and academies, each
is organized into several
with a dean/director.
The Rector of Universitas Nasional is the University's chief executive officer, appointed by the Board of Trustees. The current rector of Universitas Nasional is El Amry Bermawi Putera.

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