Sunday, December 21, 2014

Traditional Dance from Yogyakarta : Serimpi

Serimpi dance is a classical dance from Yogyakarta. This dance is performed by four female dancers are beautiful and graceful. Serimpi word itself means four. But there are also Serimpi danced by five dancers are on Serimpi Renggowati. In addition to means of four, the term serimpi also associated with the word 'IMPI' which means dream. That is, someone who saw this dance will probably feel like being in a dream.

Traditional Dance from Yogyakarta : Serimpi

Serimpi dance performances usually last for ¾ hour to 1 hour. The composition of the four dancers representing the four cardinal points and the four elements of the world. Elements of the world include grama (fire), wind (air), Toya (water), and earth (ground). Classical dance was originally developed only Kraton. According to belief, Serimpi is a noble art and the heritage palace. In this dance, the theme of which are served by the same real dancers with dance Bedhaya Sanga. This dance depicts a conflict between two things: between right and wrong, passion and reason, and right and wrong.

Serimpi dance performed by four daughters who each represent elements of life and the direction of the wind. In addition, these dancers also have the name of each role that Buncit, Dhada, Gulu, and Batak. Currently Serimpi dance, dancer composition form a rectangle. This form is not without significance, but symbolizes pole rectangular Hall.

The emergence of this dance is said to come from the kingdom of Mataram when the reign of Sultan Agung. This dance is considered very sacred because only done within the palace for a state ceremony and memorial sultan ascended the throne. In 1775, broke into two Mataram Sultanate of Surakarta and Yogyakarta Sultanate. It is also an impact on this dance. Although dance is still the same core, but Serimpi in Yogyakarta become Serimpi Dhempel, Genjung, and Babul screen. While in Surakarta be Serimpi Bondan and Anglir overcast. Although this dance has been around a long time, but the dance is only known by the public about the '70s because it was so close to divinity dance palace.

The theme of war in this dance is actually a philosophy of life of eastern culture. War in this dance is symbolic battle that never run out of between evil and good. Even in war dance movements express, dance is seen more clearly as two Pasanga soldiers against other soldiers with the same movement with the equipment dibandu dance form of weapon. Property dance used in them are jebeng, cundrik or small dagger, pistol, arrow and spear.

In terms of clothing, the clothing worn by the dancers also experienced growth from the previous. If initially the clothing worn like a palace princess wedding dress with a bun bowl as a headdress and dodotan, currently turned-dancer costume sleeveless clothing, fried bun with flower decoration, and cassowary feather headdress. Characteristics of Serimpi dancer is wearing a small dagger tucked in the front of the cross to the left.

In addition to a dagger, the dancers Serimpi also sometimes use a kind perisak jembreng. During the reign of Sri Sultan HB VII is the 19th century, there is also the tool Dance Serimpi fired a gun battle in the form below. This dance accompaniment patterns using gising sabrangan for entry and exit of the dancers accompanied by the sound of drums and brass. At the time of dancing with ageng or mid-piece is then entered gising ladrang. Furthermore, crane fly and srebengannya diguanakn to accompany the battle scene.

Q&A Traditional Dance from Yogyakarta : Serimpi

Is serimpi dance a traditional dance?

Answer: Yes, serimpi dance is a traditional dance.

What are the characteristics of serimpi dance?

Answer: The graceful and delicate movements of the dancers, along with their traditional Javanese attire and the accompanying gamelan music, are the hallmarks of serimpi dance.

What is the name of the traditional dance from Yogyakarta?

Answer: The traditional dance from Yogyakarta is called serimpi dance.

What are the movements of serimpi dance from Yogyakarta?

Answer: The movements of serimpi dance from Yogyakarta are slow, graceful, and delicate, with intricate hand gestures and footwork.

Where does serimpi dance originate from?

Answer: Serimpi dance originates from the royal courts of Yogyakarta and Surakarta in Central Java, Indonesia.

Where did serimpi dance come from?

Answer: Serimpi dance came from the royal courts of Yogyakarta and Surakarta in Central Java, Indonesia.

What is the story told by serimpi dance?

Answer: Serimpi dance typically tells stories of courtship and romance, as well as themes of loyalty, devotion, and faithfulness.

Why is it called serimpi dance?

Answer: It is called serimpi dance because the word "serimpi" means "to arrange beautifully" in Javanese, which reflects the elegance and beauty of the dance.

What are the accompanying music for serimpi dance?

Answer: The accompanying music for serimpi dance is typically played by a gamelan ensemble, consisting of various traditional Javanese percussion instruments and occasionally other instruments such as flute or string instruments.

What are the musical instruments used in serimpi dance?

Answer: The musical instruments used in serimpi dance are the traditional Javanese percussion instruments of the gamelan ensemble, such as kendang, gong, and saron, along with occasionally used flute or string instruments.

How many dancers are there in serimpi dance?

Answer: Serimpi dance can be performed with a single dancer or a group of dancers, typically in odd numbers such as three, five, or seven.

What is the traditional art of Yogyakarta?

Answer: The traditional art of Yogyakarta is a combination of various forms of performing arts, such as music, dance, theater, and puppetry, that have been passed down from generations.

What is the famous traditional art from Yogyakarta?

Answer: The famous traditional art from Yogyakarta is the Wayang Kulit, a form of shadow puppetry that combines storytelling, music, and intricate puppetry techniques.

Does lawung dance come from Yogyakarta?

Answer: No, lawung dance does not come from Yogyakarta. It is a traditional dance from the island of Bali in Indonesia.

What are the types of movements in serimpi dance?

Answer: The types of movements in serimpi dance are slow, graceful, and delicate, with intricate hand gestures and footwork. The dancers often move in circular patterns and perform a variety of poses and movements that reflect the story being told through the dance.

What are some examples of traditional arts?

Answer: Some examples of traditional arts include music, dance, theater, puppetry, storytelling, weaving, and pottery-making, among others.

What is an example of a traditional art?

Answer: Wayang Kulit, a form of shadow puppetry from Yogyakarta, is an example of a traditional art in Indonesia.

What are some examples of traditional performing arts?

Answer: Some examples of traditional performing arts include dance, theater, puppetry, and storytelling, all of which are often accompanied by traditional music and other forms of artistic expression.

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