Islamic University of Indonesia
In 1945, a general assembly meeting of the Masjoemi was held. The meeting was attended by political figures of the day including Dr. Muhammad Hatta (the 1st Vice President of Indonesia), Mohammad Natsir, Mohammad Roem, and Wachid Hasyim. One of the decisions of this meeting was the establishment of Sekolah Tinggi Islam ( STI-Islamic Higher School)s. STI began operating on July 28, 1945 and developed into a university called Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) on November 3, 1947.
UII had faculties of Religion, Law, Education, and Economics, which began operations in June 1948. About seven months later, UII was forced to close due to the Dutch military invasion. Many students and staff members joined the Indonesian military force to repel the Dutch invasion. In the early 1950s, shortly after the war, UII had to move its classes from place to place around the city of Yogyakarta, even using part of the Sultan's Palace and some of the faculty members' houses as classrooms.
UII saw much improvement between 1961 and 1970 under the leadership of Prof. Mr. R.H.A. Kasmat Bahuwinangun and Prof. Dr. Dr. Sardjito (1964-1970). During his term in office, Prof. Mr. R.H.A. Kasmat Bahuwinangun helped develop UII's Faculty of Islamic Studies and Faculty of Tarbiyah as well as expanding to Purwokerto to establish the Faculty of Law and Syari'ah.
From 1964 to 1970, under the leadership of Dr. Sardjito, UII expanded to encompass 22 faculties, five were located in Yogyakarta and the rest were scattered in three provinces: Central Java (Solo, Klaten, and Purwokerto); and West and North Sulawesi (Gorontalo). The areas of study offered were Economics, Law, Islamic Law (Syari'ah), Islamic Education (Tarbiyah), Engineering, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, and Pharmacy. However, when government regulations prevented UII from maintaining educational activities outside Yogyakarta, UII had to close its branch campuses. Some of them became associated with local institutions, including the Faculty of Medicine, which was closed in 1975.
In the early 1970s to 1982, UII saw extensive physical development of its offices and faculty buildings, beginning with the current central office on busy Cik di Tiro Street. This construction was followed by the development of three other campuses located throughout the city. During this period, several of UII's faculties acquired accreditation status and also initiated collaboration with both national and international entities, including Gadjah Mada University, King Abdul Azis University of Saudi Arabia, and The Asia Foundation.
Since the beginning of the 1990s, UII has been developing an integrated campus located in Sleman regency, in the northern part of the province of Yogyakarta. Most of UII's faculties and buildings will eventually be located on these 25 hectares of land.
With regards to the long term plan towards a world class university, UII has collaborated with other institutions.
Academic collaborations have been conducted with universities, both local and overseas. This has taken the form of student and staff exchange, joint research and internship programs. The student and staff exchange, along with joint research, has been conducted with Woosong University of Korea, Hokkaido University, Wollongong University, Hannseidel Foundation, Universitas Bina Nusantara, George Mason University, to name but a few. UII has also been working with International Internships in Australia to facilitate students from Australia to experience a working environment in Indonesia. The students come from Monash University, Sunshine Coast University, Macquarie University and Deakin University, among others.
UII has agreement with the Australian Consortium for In Country Indonesian which help students from Australia to take program courses in Indonesia. The collaboration covers the area of development in thought, such as the collaboration with International Institute of Islamic Thought on Epistemology.
UII has worked with other institutions to enhance its application of academic programs developed in the university. The institutions include private and government institutions, both local and from overseas.
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