Monday, September 9, 2013

Krida Wacana Christian University, private university in Jakarta

Krida Wacana Christian University

Krida Wacana Christian University

The Krida Wacana Christian University is a private university in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was founded on January 20, 1967, as Universitas Kristen Djaja.
With initiatives of several figures from the Indonesian Christian Church - West Java Chapter supported by Prof. Dr. G.A. Siwabessy (Indonesian health minister at that time) and Rev. Rumambi-Kolopita (wife of the information minister in the Soekarno era), Universitas Kristen Djaja was erected as a continuation of 1st and secondary schools under BPK Penabur (kindergarten, elementary, junior high, senior high) on January 20, 1967 by decree.
Due to the obligation to separate the administration of first, secondary and public education with tertiary one, ever since November 22, 1990, the management of UKRIDA was transferred from BPK Penabur to the Foundation of Krida Wacana Tertiary Education.
To synchronize with YPTK Krida Wacana, the name of Universitas Kristen Djaja was changed on February 8, 1992 to Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana following a decree from the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture while using the acronym of UKRIDA. Krida is translated as 'work' while Wacana as 'word' : As a whole Krida Wacana Christian University means the university that works for the word.
UKRIDA has built two new campuses, Campus III and Campus IV, in Kelapa Gading and Lippo Cikarang respectively.
Rev. Aristarchus
rector of the university.
Sukarto, B.A, M.Th., Ph.D is the
UKRIDA is organized
school, each with a different
into several faculties and
dean and organization.

Related Sites for Krida Wacana Christian University

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