Saturday, September 28, 2013



Kopassus is an Indonesian Army special forces group that conducts special operations missions for the Indonesian government, such as direct action, unconventional warfare, sabotage, counter-insurgency, counter-terrorism, and intelligence gathering. Kopassus was founded on April 16, 1952. It is gaining worldwide attention after the successful hostage release operation of Garuda Indonesia Flight 206.
KopassusThe Special Forces quickly made their mark by spearheading some of the government's military campaigns: putting down regional rebellions in the late 1950s, the Western New Guinea campaign in 1961-1962, the confrontation with Malaysia from 1962â€"1966, the massacres of alleged communists in 1965, the East Timor invasion in 1975, and the subsequent campaigns against separatists throughout Indonesia.
Kopassus is alleged by external media and human rights-affiliated NGOs to have committed violations of human rights in East Timor, Aceh and Papua and the capital Jakarta. Notably in the Western press, published articles in mainstream media may include epithets such as "the notorious Kopassus".
On April 15, 1952, Colonel Alexander Evert Kawilarang laid the foundation for Kesatuan Komando Tentara Territorium III/Siliwangi, the early name of Kopassus.
The impetus for building this special force was provided from an experience of frustration when fighting against the troops of the RMS forces, who were supported by two companies of Dutch Korps Speciale Troepen (KST). The Indonesians were amazed and hampered by KST's sniper ability and skills- which the Indonesian armed forces at the time didn't possess. They were then inspired to build a similar force for Indonesia. However, at that time, there were no Indonesian commanders with necessary experience nor skills in special operations. However, Lieutenant Colonel Slamet Riyadi would not see his dream realized due to his death in a battle against the troops of the separatist RMS.
Not long after, Colonel Kawilarang with the use of military intelligence located and met with Major Rokus Bernardus Visser - a former member of the Dutch Special Forces who had remained a peaceful and law-abiding citizen in newly independent Indonesia, settled in West Java, married an Indonesian woman, and was known locally as Mohamad Idjon Djanbi. He was the 1st recruit for the Indonesian special forces, as well as its 1st commander. Due to him, the unit later to become Kopassus adopted the distinctive Red Beret similar to that of the Dutch Special Forces. Also because of this, the unit sometimes also called Baret Merah by Indonesians.
At that time, Indonesia's special force name was Third Territorial Command: Komando Teritorium Tiga. Kopassus was the final result of five name changes: KTT, KKAD, RPKAD, and Kopasandha. The 1st generation of this force was only around one hundred soldiers or one company, headquartered in Bandung.
As RPKAD, a name used in the 1960s, the para-military force was involved in the widespread killings during Gen. Suharto's rise to power. An estimated half-a million people were killed in the anti-communist purge with strong communal overtones.
The unit also saw action during the Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation when in 1965, Indonesia launched a war for control of North Borneo during Malaysian independence, particularly in the Battle of Sungei Koemba.
Kopassus is currently led by Commandant General or DanJen, who holds the rank of Major General. Below is a list of commanders who have led the special forces.
Kopassus has been accused by numerous NGOs and Western politicians of human rights violations. Amnesty International and Indonesian human rights groups including the official National Commission on Human Rights have cited alleged abuses by purported members of Kopassus.
Four members of Kopassus were convicted of the strangulation killing of Theys Eluay, the former chairman of the Papuan Presidium Council. After admitting the killing after ambushing him and his driver, two received prison sentences of three and a half years and two others received just three years.
As TNI members, the Kopassus are/were legally exempt from civil law jurisdiction trial and a military inquiry found them innocent of all charges. The principal members of the alleged murder were all of Group V and not based in Jayapura nor West Papua, and the supposed ring-leader Lt-Col Hatono got three and a half years jail while two other officers were not even discharged. The ruling Jakarta perspective on the murder was affirmed by army Chief Ryamizard Ryacudu who accepted the men had to face sentence "because Indonesia is a State based on law". However he said the men were heroes to kill a rebel leader. Defense lawyers who appealed the verdicts also described the killers as heroes.
Kopassus members have also been reported by eyewitness accounts to have been involved in carrying and supervising the Jakarta May 1998 riot and the mass gang-rape and murder of Chinese Indonesian women and girls.
Some international partners have severed military ties with Kopassus in response to allegations of human rights abuses. For example, Australia ceased training with Kopassus in 1999 in relation to Kopassus' role in violence in East Timor.
Kopassus currently participates in bilateral training exercises with international partners. After resuming military ties in 2003, Australia's special operations unit, the Special Air Service Regiment, conducts an annual counter terrorism exercise, with Australia and Indonesia taking turns to host the event.
In July 2011, Kopassus and Chinese special forces held a joint counter terrorism exercise called Exercise Sharp Knife, held in Bandung, Java. In 2012, the same exercise was held in Jinan, Shandong province, in July.

Related Sites for Kopassus

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