Thursday, September 19, 2013



Palangkaraya is the capital of the Indonesian province Central Kalimantan, also famously known as Central Borneo situated between the Kahayan and the Sabangau rivers. The population of the municipality is just over 170,000. The closest airport serving the city is Tjilik Riwut.
The city was built in 1957 on wilderness that opened through the Pahandut village along side Kahayan river banks. Palangkaraya is the largest city by land area in Indonesia. Most of the area is still forested, including protected forests, nature conservation areas, and Tangkiling forest.
Kalimantan Tengah province was established on 23 May 1957. The First Indonesian President, Sukarno, initiated construction of the city of Palangkaraya, the capital of the new province. Initially, Palangkaraya was prepared as the new capital of Indonesia to replace Jakarta; a proposal that was discussed until recently. To support this process, many iconic buildings were built to reflect the idea of Greater Indonesia. For example, the Bundaran Besar (Big Roundabout) in downtown Palangkaraya consists of a meeting of eight roads that symbolize the eight great islands of Indonesia (Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi (Celebes), Kalimantan (Indonesia's Borneo), Bali, Nusa Tenggara Islands, and Papua). This makes Palangkaraya one of the most well constructed planned cities in Indonesia.
According to the Gazette van Indix Nederlandisch 1849, Great Dayak areas including areas in this part of zuid-Ooster-based Besluit van den afdeeling Minister van Staat, Gouverneur-Generaal van Nederlandsch-Indie, on August 27, 1849, No. 8. Establishment of Central Kalimantan province through a long process that culminated on May 23, 1957 and confirmed by the Emergency Law No. 10 of 1957, which is on the establishment of the Autonomous Region Level I of Central Kalimantan. Since then the province of Central Kalimantan officially as an autonomous region, as well as the anniversary of Central Kalimantan province.
The First Indonesian President, Sukarno, initiated construction of the city of Palangkaraya, the capital of the new province. Initially, Palangkaraya was prepared as the new capital of Indonesia to replace Jakarta; something still discussed until recently. To support this idea, many iconic buildings were built to reflect the idea of Greater Indonesia. For example, the Bundaran Besar in downtown Palangkaraya consists of a meeting of eight roads that symbolize the eight great islands of Indonesia (Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi (Celebes), Kalimantan (Indonesia's Borneo), Bali, Nusa Tenggara Islands, and Papua). This makes Palangkaraya one of the most well constructed planned cities in Indonesia.
The 1st pillar of Palangkaraya City development is done by the President of the Republic of Indonesia at the time, Soekarno on July 17, 1957 marked the inauguration of the monument to the provincial capital of Central Kalimantan in Pahandut. Then, based on Law No. 21 of 1958 which was formerly Provincial Capital Pahandut renamed to Palangkaraya.
Palangka means place,
Palangkaraya means big place.
Raya means big, so
The majority of the population is Muslim, Christian, Hindu Kaharingan, Catholic, Confucian and Hindu Bali.
The city is famous for local dishes such as juhu patin, pais patin (steamed patin with banana leaf), patin bakar (grilled river fish), nasi kuning (yellow rice), and sop rotan (rattan's shoots soup), soto banjar and ketupat kandangan. Japanese dishes such as suki and Oriental dishes are also popular, which is we can find at Resto Belaria Suki at Jl. A. Yani, Flamboyan. Other delicacies are Lempok (durian sweets), Amplang (fish crackers), Kue Cincin or Wadai Cincin (Bread shaped four rings).
There are two main traditional markets in Palangka Raya, Pasar Besar and Pasar Kahayan, where many types of goods are sold. Local people visit these markets to buy rice, meats, fishes, vegetables, spices and other supplies. In these markets are also selling gems, traditional fabric, rattan handicrafts, herbal medicine (one of them famously call pasak bumi) etc. famous for Kalimantan souvenir.
There are numerous mini markets, some larger super markets, and a shopping mall named Palangka Raya Mall or PALMA. PALMA is located in the heart of the city at Bundaran Besar.
The Museum Balanga offers an insight into Kalimantan cultures consists of paints, statues, life tools including fabric etc.
Many people in Palangkaraya speak Indonesian alongside local Dayak languages such as Dayak Ngaju Language, Dayak Maanyan, etc. Local lingo is mixed of Bahasa Indonesia, Dayak and Banjar.
The Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre is close to Palangkaraya. The Center is within the boundaries of the Nyaru Menteng Arboretum, a 62,5 hectare lowland peat swamp forest ecosystem, founded in 1988 by the Ministry of Forestry Regional office of Central Kalimantan. It is operated by the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation, and founded and managed by Lone Drxscher Nielsen. The Centre featured on Animal Planet's award-winning series Orangutan Island, the BBC's Orangutan diary, Saving Planet Earth and Growing Up... Orangutan, and in the 2008 Australian documentary-drama, The Burning Season. Good Morning Kalimantan (BBC Knowledge) are BBC Documentary that showing Palangkaraya and Yayasan Kalaweit lead by Chanee strugle to save Gibbons (Uwa-uwa) and wild animals.
In 1957, when President Soekarno inaugurated a monument in the place that was then still called Pahandut, he expressed his desire to make the city the new republic’s future capital.

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