Kapuas Regency
Kapuas Regency is one of the thirteen regencies which divide the island of Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Kuala Kapuas is the capital of Kapuas Regency. The population of Kapuas Regency is 329,406 (2010).Kapuas Regency is the one of 17 regency/city of Kalimantan Tengah Province. Total area of Kapuas regency is 14.999 Km2 or 14.999.000 Ha which is divided into two of big area, the ebbtide and non ebbtide area. The ebbtide area (generally in south area) is potential for food crop agriculture, while the non ebbtide area ( generally in north area) is potential for people and private rubber farm.
Southside has boundary | with Java Sea. |
Kapuas Regency controls 12 subdistricts, 204 villages/wards consist of 190 villages and 14 wards. According to the category of village/ward, Kapuas Regency has 44 swadaya villages, 61 swakarya villages and 59 swasembada villages. From 204 villages/wards, there were 6 isolated villages/wards(2,94 percent) and 52 poor villages/wards (25,49 percent). According to the data in 2009, there were 190 village heads, 160 village secretaries, 950 village staffs, 14 ward heads and 14 ward secretaries.
Numbers of Kapuas Regency population in 2010 are recorded 329.440 peoples, 167.937 males and 161.503 females(49,02 percent). Based on the total area, the population density rate is 21,96 peoples/km2. Selat subdistrict has the high population density rate, about 507,43 people/km2. Mandau Talawang subdistrict has the small population density rate, about 4,05 people/km2.
At year of 2002, Kapuas Regency divided into 3 regencies (Kapuas, Pulang Pisau and Gunung Mas), so the total of population must be divided into 3 regencies. At present, the total population of Kapuas regencies (in this publication) takes the data of population from year of 1999 until year of 2010. The composition and the spreading of population still not flatten because the existence of most people lives around the capital of regency and subdistrict.
Education is one of development sector that getting priority by government, with final purpose to increase quality of human resource of Indonesia. The general picture of the education condition in Kapuas Regency is reflected in quantity of schools, students and teachers. The amount of Kindergarten school is 147 schools, 390 teachers and 4.181 students in 2009. In 2010, the amount of Primary school is 390 schools (include Private school), 2.736 teachers and 40.714 students, with ratio of student to teachers about 14,88 students/teacher(one teacher teaches not more than 15 students).
Number of Junior High school is 86 schools, 1.085 teachers, 9.667 students and 465 classroom. Number of Senior High school is 25 schools, 636 teachers and 5.886 students.
The development and construction of health facilities to satisfy the need of people, like public health center, public health sub-center (POSYANDU) annually show increasing figures. Total of the doctor in 2010 is 38 doctors, and the ratio of doctor to population was relatively at unexpected level because the doctor had to serve up to 8.669 people.
Agricultural sector contributes significantly to the Groos Domestic Regional Product Kapuas Regency as well as to provide jobs, and also makes Kapuas Regency becomes paddy mow for Central Kalimantan Province.
Food Crop In 2009 and 2109, productivity of food crops has increased. 105.601 hectares of area harvested in 2009 has increased to 112.212 hectares of area harvested in 2109, with paddy productivity 318.177 tons in 2009 has increased to 322.393 tons in 2010(0,01 percent). Others commodity, like, tree cassava has increasing productivity, but peanuts, creep, corn, and fruits has decreasing productivity.
Estate Crops and Forestry For the sub-sector of estates crop in Kapuas Regency shows the decreasing of productivity in 2010, its because of uncertain weather. And the increasing of productivity also happened in forestry sub-sector.
Animal Husbandry and Fishery The sub-sector of animal husbandry shows the increasing population for buffalo, egged chicken and duck, and also, the productivity of marine fisheries and inland fisheries show increasing productivity.
Related Sites for Kapuas Regency
- Kapuas Regency | Visit Indonesia â€" The Most Beautiful ... read Kapuas Regency
- Kapuas Tourism: Hamputung River, Kapuas Hulu River, Cemara … read Kapuas Regency
- Danau Sentarum National Park, Borneo Island, Kapuas Hulu Regency ... read Kapuas Regency
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