Mulawarman University
Universitas Mulawarman is striving to be the world-class university which is able to play a role in development through education, research and community service which relies on natural resources, especially the tropical rainforest and its environment.
The name Mulawarman was taken from the king Mulawarman Nala Dewa of the Kutai Kingdom in 4th century, historically the earliest kingdom in Indonesia, located in East Kalimantan.
On June 6, 1962 the Governor of East Kalimantan Province, Aji Pangeran Tumenggung Pranoto, founded Perguruan Tinggi Mulawarman, located in Samarinda. Then the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture approved the establishment as Universitas Mulawarman on September 28, 1962 and officially confirmed by the President on April 23, 1963. The date of September 27, 1962 was set as the date of the founding of the Universitas Mulawarman.
Eventually, due to difficulty to find teaching staff, the Faculty of Mining, in Balikpapan, was closed in 1970. In 1978, the Samarinda Teaching and Education Sciences Institute was integrated into Universitas Mulawarman as the Faculty of Teaching and Education Sciences on March 20. Thus since September 7, 1982, there were 5 faculties in Universitas Mulawarman: Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Teaching and Education Sciences, and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
In December 3, 1985 Polytechnic was established. | Universitas Mulawarman - |
In April 28, 1997, Universitas Mulawarman Polytechnic was formed into Samarinda State Polytechnic, separated from Universitas Mulawarman.
In 2010, Universitas Mulawarman established the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology.
Universitas Dr. H. Zamruddin Hasid, | Mulawarman current rector is Prof. S.E. since 2010. |
There are several services which are managed under technical operational units: Academics Development Center, Bukit Soeharto Research and Education Forest in Kutai Kartanegara and North Penajam Paser, Business Management Development, Center for Social Forestry, Computer Center, Distance Learning Unit, Fundamental Science Laboratory, Language Center (in Flores campus, providing courses of foreign language, especially English), Library of Universitas Mulawarman (with more than 90.000 titles available), Personality Development Unit, Quality Assurance, and Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda Botanical Garden in North Samarinda.
Students in Universitas Mulawarman can involve in several organizations. The highest organizational body for students in Universitas Mulawarman is the Students Executive Board. This organization is led by an elected President, and running the office with help from a Vice President, a Secretary General, a Treasurer and several Ministries. The Board then, is responsible to the Students Representative Council, the highest student legislative organization in the university. There are also several students activity unit, such as: Band, Football, IMAPA (environmental preservation, adventuring, forest mountaineering, rock climbing, and rafting), Journalism, KBMK (Christian religious activities) KSR (volunteering, in cooperation with the Indonesian Red Cross), PUSDIMA (Islamic dakwah center), PSM (university student choir), Pramuka (scouting), Softball, Taekwondo and Yupa Theater. Many student activities are maintained in the Student Activity Center.
The Research Institute of Universitas Mulawarman is the backbone of the science and technology development in Kalimantan, national, and the world. This institute is an independent unit which has the function as the organizer of the university research environment: to coordinate, to evaluate, to monitor, and to assess the implementation of research activities which is carried out by many university research centers and staffs, and also to manage and to control the research resources. The existence of research institute is very strategic especially in to develop programs, to improve perception and knowledge and to organizate various science and technology studies, while at the same time to assist the quality improvement of the teaching-learning process in the university.
Community Service Institute is a place to implement science and technological invention from research into the community, in order to improve the development process of human resource capacity according to the development dynamics demand. This institute also held various technical training, functional, promotion, and contribution of strategic development concept for integrated development program.
International Colleges and Universities in 2012 ranked Universitas Mulawarman in number 5000 in the World and number 50 in Indonesia.
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- Mulawarman University | Ranking & Review read Mulawarman University
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