Sunday, September 8, 2013

Jenderal Soedirman University, A State University Located in Purwokerto, Indonesia

Jenderal Soedirman University

Jenderal Soedirman University
The Jenderal Soedirman University is a State University located in Purwokerto, Indonesia that was established on September 23, 1963. The university named after Jenderal Soedirman, the 1st commander-in-chief of the Indonesian Army during the country's fight for independence; he was born in the Banyumas region. The university rector is Prof. Edy Yuwono, PhD.
UNSOED is the only State University in ex Banyumas residency. Thus affecting the student composition, from 25,782 of total active students in 2008, students from local Banyumas region accounted for almost 35% while the rest are from other regions in Indonesia as far as Sumatera and Sulawesi. About 5000 students enrolled at the university every year. Continuing development and improvement in education and student facilities and UNSOED's location in Purwokerto, a peaceful and cozy city, make it very suitable as a place for study, attracting more fresh high school graduates from all regions in Indonesia. The university also established a good reputation in the fields of Agriculture, Law, and Biology research and applied science.
Jenderal Soedirman UniversityTo improve overall services for the students, UNSOED provided many facilities and activities such as students economic union, scholarships, medical services and medical infrastructure, life insurance, libraries, laboratory, student learning center, student activity center, web-based academic information system, academic infrastructure (campuses, auditorium, rectorate and administration center), arts and sports organizations and dormitory.
In the 1960s, the highest education facilities in Banyumas residency was senior high schools, includes general and vocational schools. Meanwhile, local Banyumas society became more interested for higher education; the lack of higher education institutions in the region meant that fresh high school graduates went outside the region if they wanted to get a degree. Hampered by the high cost of living outside the region, only students from wealthy families could afford it. This sparked the idea to establish a university in the region. The 1st step was the creation of agriculture faculty establishment board on February 10, 1961, followed by the establishment of Jenderal Soedirman University foundation on November 20, 1961. The faculty of agriculture was the 1st faculty รข€" established on September 20, 1962 under cooperation with Diponegoro University.
The faculty of agriculture was the precursor to establish Jenderal Soedirman University with more faculty and administration systems. On November 27, 1963 a ceremony was held in a Banyumas residential house to formally established the Jenderal Soedirman University. The official launching was conducted by the Minister of PTIP, Dr. Tojib Hadiwidjaja. This establishment was possible with aid from other institutions such as universities, PTIP Department (now DIKTI), provincial government of Central Java and leaders of the Indonesian armed forces.
When established, UNSOED had only three faculties: Agriculture, Economics and Biology. Now it has developed into eight faculties and postgraduate programmes, comprising 31 undergraduate programmes, nine Master's degree programmes (Strata 2/S2) and 11 three-year diploma programs (D3).
Admission to UNSOED is
nationwide entrance
conducted exclusively through

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