Monday, September 9, 2013

Manado State University

Manado State University

Manado State University

UNIMA derived from the Higher Education Teacher Education - one of four PTPG 1st established in Indonesia is PTPG Batusangkar, PTPG Malang, Bandung PTPG, PTPG Tondano, based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture.
PTPG Tondano underwent several changes: at 1st the Guidance and Counseling University of Hasanuddin Makassar, then turned into FKIP Unhas Tondano in Manado, FKIP Unsulutteng, IKIP Branch Yogyakarta at Manado, and the latter being a stand-alone IKIP based PTIP Decree No. 38 dated March 8, 1965.
On 13 September 2000, IKIP converted to Manado Manado State University. and inaugurated by the Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia Mr. Yahya Muhaimin on October 14, 2000.

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