Friday, September 6, 2013

History of Airlangga


AirlanggaAirlangga was born from dynastic marriage between Isyana of Java and Warmadewa of Bali. His mother, queen Mahendradatta, was a princess of the Isyana Dynasty, the sister of king Dharmawangsa of Medang, while his father, king Udayana Warmadewa of Bali, was a king of the Balinese Warmadewa Dynasty. Bali in 11th century probably was an ally or vassal of Java, the marriage of Airlangga's parents was probably meant as political means to seal Bali as part of Medang's realm. Airlangga has two younger brothers, Marakata and Anak Wungxu (ascend to Balinese throne after the death of Marakata). Later, in various inscriptions edicted by Airlangga, he claimed to be the descendant of Mpu Sindok of Isyana dynasty.
However there is a speculation suggesting that Airlangga wasn't the biological son of king Udayana, Mahendradatta was probably conceived Airlangga from her previous union to an unknown man, that after her separation Mahendradatta was bethroted to Balinese king, thus she took the baby Airlangga to Bali. Historical sources seems to be silenced on Mahendradatta's suspected earlier marriage, that it might be a scandal or not even took place. This suspicion was because although Airlangga was the eldest son of Mahendradatta, curiously he isn't chosen as the crown prince of Bali, his younger brother Marakata and later Anak Wungxu rose to Balinese throne instead. Moreover Mahendradatta sent Airlangga back to Java during his teenage. Mahendradatta was known to be promoting the cult of Durga in Bali, and curiously later associated with Balinese legend of evil witch Rangda, which translates to "widow".
Airlangga was born and grew up in Bali, groomed by his mother, queen Mahendradatta, to be a proper future ruler. In his teenage years his mother sent him back to her parents home in Java to be educated further in Watugaluh court, Medang, East Java, under the patronage of his uncle, king Dharmawangsa. Airlangga was bethroted to his cousin, one of Dharmawangsa's daughter, thus arranged marriage was in place. At that time, Medang had become a powerful kingdom, allied or probably subjugated Bali, and had established a colony in West Kalimantan. Dharmawangsa aspired to ascend Medang as regional power by challenging Srivijaya Empire domination. In 990 he launched naval invasion against Srivijaya and unsuccessfully tried to capture Palembang. Srivijaya resiliently succeed on repelling Javanese Medang invaders.
The Calcutta Stone
calamity which befell the East
dynasty in the early years of the
rebellion incited by a vassal king
the destruction of the
reigning king, Dharmawangsa,
Makutawangsawardhana, was murdered along with
of his subjects. Only the
about 16 at the time, managed
According to tradition the
death) of Medang, was took
wedding ceremony in
inscription , describes a terrible
Javanese kingdom of Isyana
11th century. In 1006, a
Wurawari from Lwaram resulted in
capital of Watugaluh. The
successor to Sri
his entire family and many
young Airlangga, who was aged
to escape unharmed.
calamity, dubbed as Pralaya (the
place during Airlangga's
Dharmawangsa palace.
Today historians strongly suggested that the invasion was actually a Srivijayan retaliation against Medang for the attacks upon the empire. After the failed Dharmawangsa's naval campaign against Palembang back in 990, Sri Culamanivarmadeva the Maharaja of Srivijaya saw Javanese Medang as a dangerous threat, thus arranged a stratagem to destroy Medang by inciting a revolt. King Wurawari of Lwaram was probably an ally of Srivijaya in Java and also the vassal of Medang. With Srivijaya's assistance Wurawari managed to sack and burn Watugaluh Palace during Medang's most unexpected time; the Airlangga's royal wedding. Airlangga, accompanied by his guard Narottama, escaped westward into the jungle and retreated as a hermit in Vanagiri .
In 1019, after several years in self-imposed exile in Vanagiri hermitage, Airlangga rallied supports from officials and regents that are loyal to the former Isyana dynasty and began to unite the areas that had formerly been ruled by Medang kingdom, which had disintegrated after Dharmawangsa's death. He consolidated his authority, established a new kingdom and made peace with Srivijaya. The new kingdom was called the Kingdom of Kahuripan, and stretched from Pasuruan in the east to Madiun in the west. In 1025, Airlangga increased the power and influence of Kahuripan as the Srivijaya Empire began to decline. Airlangga was known for his religious tolerance, and was a patron of both the Hindu and Buddhist religions.
In 1035 Airlangga constructed a Buddhist monastery named Srivijayasrama dedicated for his queen consort Dharmaprasadottungadewi. The monastery bearing the name of Srivijaya suggests that his queen consort was probably a Srivijayan princess, a close relative, probably daughter, of the Srivijayan king Sangramavijayattungavarman. She had taken refuge in East Java after her father was taken prisoner and her kingdom was raided through series of Indian Chola raids. The king seems to be sympathetic to the poor fate of the Srivijayan princess, having lost her family and her kingdom, and probably genuinely fell in love and devoted to her, thus promoting her as prameswari . Airlangga went further, naming his daughter from queen Dharmaprasadottungadewi as heiress, the future queen regnant of Kahuripan. The decline of Srivijaya due to the Chola invasion gave Airlangga opportunity to consolidate his kingdom without foreign interference. Later, he extended his kingdom to Central Java and Bali. The north coast of Java, particularly Surabaya and Tuban, for the 1st time became important centres of trade.
Although there are few
remains dating from his time,
keen patron of the arts,
the court poet Mpu Kanwa
Wiwaha, which was adapted from
text told the story of
Indra, but was also an allegory
The tale of Airlangga's
Belahan Temple on the flanks of
was portrayed in stone as
surviving archaeological
Airlangga is known to have been a
notably literature. In 1035,
composed the kakawin Arjuna
the Mahabharata epic. This
Arjuna, an incarnation of
for Airlangga's own life.
life was illustrated in the
Mount Penanggungan, where he
Vishnu on Garuda.
In 1037 the capital was
Kahuripan, the king also reported
loyal followers, such as
Kanuruhan and Niti as Rakryan
inscription (dated 1037 CE)
interest on agriculture
irrigation project by
(located in today Jombang
Brantas river, he provides
fields and maintaining
moved from Watan Mas to
to bestows titles for his
Narottama promoted as Rakryan
Kuningan. According to Kelagen
Airlangga also took a keen
development. He embarked on grand
constructing the Wringin Sapta dam
regency). By building a dam on
irrigation to surrounding paddy
hydraulic system in the area.
Towards the end of his life, Airlangga was faced with the problem of succession. His heiress, the crown princess Sanggramawijaya, decided to become a Bhikkuni Buddhist hermit rather than succeed Airlangga as queen regnant. Sangramawijaya is the daughter of the queen consort Dharmaprasadottunggadewi. The story of a crown princess whom renounce the throne to become a hermit is linked with the popular legend of Dewi Kilisuci that resides in the Selomangleng Cave beneath Mount Klothok, 5 kilometres to the west of the city of Kediri. Because the crown princess Sangramawijaya had renounced the throne, two of her younger half brothers were next in line of succession. Both are equally rightful as the heirs and both contesting the throne.
In 1045, Airlangga divided Kahuripan into two kingdoms which were inherited by his two sons; Janggala and Kediri. Airlangga himself abdicated the throne in 1045, returned to the hermit life by assuming a new name as Resi Gentayu, bestowed by Mpu Bharada, a famous hermit. The reasons behind the partition of a kingdom that Airlangga himself were painstakingly unite during his younger years remains as a puzzle for historians. Some suggested that it was meant to avoid civil war since both of Airlangga sons are equally rightful to the throne. A local legend, mixed with fantastic fiction, mentioned about the partition of the kingdom. It was said that Mpu Bharada was the one that conduct the partition; with his extraordinary skill he flew and pouring water from a jar that the water traces magically transformed into a river marking the boundary of the two new kingdoms. Accidentally he stuck on a kamal tree, feeling upset he cursed the kamal tree to be forever short, thus become the name of the village where this event took place; kamal pandak ("the short tamarind tree").
Airlangga died in 1049,
scattered in Belahan tirtha , on
Penanggungan, where in one of
portrayed as Vishnu riding
two goddesses; Shri and
consorts of Airlangga.
and his ashes were probably
eastern slopes of Mount
waterspout statues he was
Garuda, flanked by statues of
Lakshmi portrayed the two queen
After the death of
between Janggala and Panjalu
In that year King Mapanji
succeed on conquering
king named Samarotsaha
he was the son in law of
Airlangga, a civil war broke out
that continues until 1052.
Alanjung Ahyes of Panjalu
Janggala. However in 1059 another
ascend the throne of Janggala,

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