Thursday, September 12, 2013

With the growth of tourism industry in Bali, Denpasar encourage into the center of business activities


With the growth of tourism industry in Bali, Denpasar encourage into the center of business activities, and make this city as having the highest growth in the Bali Province. Denpasar also has a rapidly expanding population of 788,445 in 2010, up from 533,252 in the previous decade, and the surrounding metropolitan area has roughly 2 million residents.
The name of Denpasar is etymologically comes from the Balinese word "den" meaning north and "pasar" meaning market. This name is come because Denpasar is originally located in the north of "Peken Payuk" that now known as the Kumbasari Market.
Denpasar was the capital of the Kingdom of Badung. It was conquered by the Dutch during the Dutch intervention in Bali. The royal palace was looted and razed by the Dutch, leaving today's central square "Taman Puputan" in which a statue to the 1906 Puputan can be seen.
Denpasar eventually also remains the administrative center of the Regency of Badung and Denpasar even starting in 1958 also made the seat of government for the Province of Bali.
By Denpasar become the center of government for the Level II and Level I Badung Bali experienced rapid growth both in terms of physical, economic, social and cultural rights.
The physical state of Denpasar and the surrounding area has been developed in such a life of its people and also have a lot of shows characteristics and urban properties. Denpasar was the seat of government, center of commerce, education centers, industrial centers and tourist center that consists of 4 districts, namely West Denpasar, East Denpasar, South Denpasar, and North Denpasar.
Seeing the development of the Administrative City of Denpasar in various sectors rapidly, then it may just be handled by the Government Administrative City status. Therefore, it's time to set up the city government has the authority to regulate and manage autonomous urban cities so that the problem can be handled more quickly and precisely and services in urban communities more quickly.
As with other cities in Indonesia, Denpasar is the provincial capital growth and population growth as well as its speed of development in all sectors continues to increase, providing a huge influence on the city itself.
Similarly, the city of Denpasar is the capital city of the Regency of Badung and also is the capital of the Province of Bali has grown so rapidly.
The average population growth of 4.05% per annum and also accompanied the speed of growth in various sectors of development, thus providing a huge influence on the city of Denpasar, which ultimately led to a variety of urban problems to be solved and addressed by the City Administrative, both in meeting needs and demands of urban communities such increase.
Based on objective conditions and other considerations between Level I and Level II Badung has reached an agreement to raise the status of City Administrative Denpasar Denpasar. And finally on January 15, 1992, Act No. 1 of 1992 on the establishment of the city of Denpasar born and was inaugurated by the Minister of Home Affairs, on 27 February 1992 that a new chapter for the implementation of Regional Government of Bali, District of Badung and also for the city of Denpasar.
Badung River is one
the river empties into the
river that divides Denpasar,
Gulf of Benoa.
Denpasar, located just south of the equator, has a tropical wet and dry climate, with hot and humid weather throughout the year and little temperature change throughout the year. Unlike many cities outside Indonesia with this climate, there is very little seasonal temperature change, with temperatures averaging about 28 degrees Celsius. The year is divided into two seasons: wet and dry. The wet season lasts roughly from November to April, while the dry season lasts from May to October. The temperatures aren't extreme, but the heat, combined with the oppressive humidity and copious precipitation, makes the climate very uncomfortable at times.
Denpasar's population grew about 4% per year in the period from 2000 to 2010, Denpasar grew much faster from 2005 to 2010 than in the previous five years. The lingering effects of a nightclub bombing had a major depressive effect on tourism, jobs, immigration from other islands, and traffic. However, Denpasar is expected to easily surpass a million residents by the next census if trends continue. There are about 4.57% more men than women in Denpasar.
Approximately 68.4% of the population is Hinduism, while Islam is the largest minority religion followed by Christianity, Buddhism and Confucianism.
Administratively, the city government consists of 4 subdistricts, 43 villages or sub-districts with 209 villages. Currently the City of Denpasar has developed numerous innovations to improve service to the people, in the residence administration began to fix the system.
Greater Denpasar spills out into the tourist regions, including Kuta and Ubud. The continuous built-up area includes nearly all of Badung Regency, all but one of Gianyar Regency (Payangan District). Indonesia defined Metropolitan Denpasar as Sarbagita an acronym for Denpa"Sar"+"BA"dung+"GI"anyar+"TA"banan, with Presidential Regulation Number 45 Year 2011, despite Tabanan just beginning to succumb to urban sprawl. See also List of metropolitan areas in Indonesia.
Strong influence on tourism development and structural changes in the economy increased in Denpasar. However, the economic structure of the city of Denpasar slightly different when compared to the structure of the economy of Bali in general, by placing sectors trade, hotels and restaurants dominate the formation of the gross regional domestic product of Denpasar.
Were also boost the economy of Denpasar is the production of craft items such as handicrafts for souvenirs, such as carving and sculpture. But this craft industry is experiencing stress, in addition to the impact of the crisis and competition between regions, other pressures from competition among other Asian developing countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, India, Malaysia and China. These competitor countries maximize the scale of production by utilizing industrial technology, while at Denpasar craft industry is still maintaining skills so that the constraints on the fulfillment of the quantity of production.
Denpasar has various attractions. The white sandy beaches are well-known all over the island. The surfing beach is Serangan Island. Sanur beach has calmer waters and is excellent for sunbathing and kitesurfing.
Ten minutes from the Ngurah Rai International Airport lies the town of Kuta. Kuta is where most of the hotels, restaurants, malls, cafes, marketplaces, and spas that cater to tourists are located. In the Denpasar area, all kinds of Balinese handicrafts are represented in local shops. These include artwork, pottery, textiles, and silver.
The city is served by Ngurah Rai International Airport. Ngurah Rai International Airport is the one of the busiest airports in Indonesia.
Means of transport in the city of Denpasar, especially for urban transportation is starting to be ineffective and inefficient, until the year 2010 only 30% are still in operation, along with the lack of interest people to use public transport services, which estimated that only about 3% of the total population. While the growth of private vehicle ownership continues to increase to 11% per year, and isn't comparable with the construction of new roads. So there is congestion in the city of Denpasar is unavoidable.
Since August 2011 a bus system is launched step by step. Up to date two main routes and some feeder lines are operated daily from 5 a.m. til 9 p.m. The service has no own tracks and is stuck in the same congestions it should ease. In 2012 an average 2.800 passengers per day used the service.

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