Friday, September 13, 2013

Taka Bone Rate National Park

Taka Bone Rate National Park

Taka Bone Rate National Park
Taka Bone Rate National Park is a marine park which includes the Takabonerate atoll islands, located in the Flores Sea, south of Sulawesi island of Indonesia.
The area, which consists of the atoll islands and surrounding marine area was granted national park protection status in 1992.
Taka Bone Rate National ParkTaka Bone Rate is administered as part of Selayar Regency, South Sulawesi province. The atoll is located in Flores Sea, southeast off the coast from the southern "arms" of Sulawesi Island and to the east of Selayar island. It is located west of Wakatobi islands and far north of Komodo island across the Flores Sea. The nearest large city is Makassar, from where it can be reached in about 16 hours by boat.
With an area of 530,765 hectares which has an atoll expanse of 220,000 hectares, Taka Bone Rate meaning 'coral islands over sand' is the biggest atoll in Indonesia, and Southeast Asia, and the 3rd biggest in the world after Kwajalein Atoll and Suvadiva.
Taka Bone Rate National ParkThe atoll consists of separate table reefs enclosing a lagoon filled with massive reefs. The atoll has around 20 islands, six of which are inhabited. There are 15 islands for diving and snorkeling.
The natives of the atoll are the Bonerate people. They traditionally trade for fishery sea products from the Bajau in exchange for freshwater and other land supply. The Bonerate are predominantly Muslim, although with strong elements of traditional beliefs.
They speak the Bonerate language, a Celebic language, and like most languages of Indonesia part of the greater Austronesian languages. Their closest linguistic relations is with people in the neighbouring Buton, Wakatobi and Muna Island in Southeast Sulawesi. Most also speak Indonesian.
The atoll is of major ecological importance, with rich marine and bird life. The national park is considered to contain some of the world's highest marine biodiversity. According to the Indonesian Department of Forestry the atoll has 261 species of coral, 295 species of coral fish, 244 species of mollusc and other species such as hawksbill turtle, Pacific ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), and green turtle (Chelonia mydas).

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