Unusual for a tea producing area, Slawi has a warm climate with a gentle sloping geography.
As generally the case with 'urbanisation', many young people leave the area after high school, heading for larger urban centres such as Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang and some timber processing towns such as Banjarmasin and Balikpapan. In the last three decades, some are working overseas in places such as Middle East, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Their financial remittances are an important source of income for the area. The out of town family members would generally return to Slawi for the Moslem holidays of Idul Fitri as a tradition.
Local crafts include traditional forms of batik and metal working, and Wayang Kulit puppet shows are also performed.
The local language of spoken with a distinctive | the area is Javanese, regional accent. |
Tea drinking at the small or large eatery has a famous local term called Moci - literally tea drinking from one small clay teapot with one teacup for each person. It is the way to drink the locally produced fragrant jasmine black tea. The teapot is filled with a small paper bag the size of matchbox full of jasmine tea and poured with slightly scalding hot water. The brewed tea is then poured into a clay teacup with rock sugar. The way the locals do isn't to stir avoiding average sweetness, drink while it is hot preferably with some slurping noise as well. Some will pour it on the saucer and slurp it with abandon pleasure. The idea is to get to the last slurp or sip when it is sweetest and in this way encouraging refill. It somewhat reflects the Malay pantun proverb, 'berakit-rakit ke hulu/berenang-renang ke tepian/ bersakit-sakit dahulu/bersenang-senang kemudian', meaning there is a satisfying end to a difficult beginning. Not to be mistaken with the way the Russian drink their tea, by holding the rock sugar between the teeth and sip the tea.
Moci is frequently accompanied by Mendoan, a moist fermented soybean cake fried in wheat fluor batter, often eaten with sambal ulek (oelek) or plain chilli paste or simply bite into one bird's eye chilli then bite a piece off the tempe. This is a favourite drink while enjoying the famous Sate Tegal, sate of local goat meat.
In the city itself, there are the old and new markets, the Singa and Rama theatres, as well as the historical Pankah Sugar Factory, and the 4th Slawi Primary School, both of which are part of the Dutch colonial legacy in the city.
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