Monday, September 9, 2013

Petra Christian University, private Christian university in Surabaya

Petra Christian University

Petra Christian University
Petra Christian University is a major private Christian university in Surabaya, Indonesia, established in 1961. It has about 9,900 students and 6 faculties.
Petra Christian UniversityThe founding of Petra Christian University cannot be separated from the role of Petra Christian Education and Teaching Association. The latter was a Christian association founded in 1951 aiming at providing education from kindergarten to high school level. The longing to give a wider chance for people to get higher education encouraged the officials of this association to set up a university. To realize that ideal, an Adhoc committee was set up, namely Preparatory Committee for Planning the University Founding, which was given the task to prepare anything related to the founding of a Christian university.
Petra Christian UniversityOn September 22, 1961, right on the tenth anniversary of PPPK, it was officially announced that Petra Christian University was founded with the Faculty of Letters as the 1st faculty. One year later, in 1962, the Faculty of Civil Engineering was established. Observing the necessities required for a better management for the university to develop, the Boards of PPPK Petra set up a committee to prepare for a special Foundation regarding the university affairs. Thus, in 1964, it was agreed that Petra Christian University Foundation to be set up and later legalized in 1965, which consisted of the representatives of PPPK Petra, Christian leaders and supported by 6 Protestant churches in Surabaya.
As a newly founded university, PCU in its early development moved several times and occupied some buildings, started on Jl. Embong Wungu and Jl. WR. Supratman in 1961, later on Jl. Indrapura, Embong Kemiri, Jl. Panglima Sudirman 73, Jl. Kalianyar, until finally in 1973, all courses were centralized on Jl. Siwalankerto up to this day. All the achievements secured by PCU cannot be separated from the helps and supports from many groups of people, except from the big family of PPPK Petra. Some institutions from within the country and abroad also helped develop its facilities, management, and teaching staff. Some of the institutions were United Presbyterian Church, Commission for the Advancement of Christian Higher Education in Asia, World Council of Churches, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, Interkelijke Coordinatie Commissie Ontwikkelings projekten (ICCO), Evangelishe Zentralstelle fur Entcicklungshilfee (EZE) West Germany, Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen der Schweiz â€" Switzerland, Association of Christian Higher Education in Asia (ACUCA), Overseas Missionary Fellowship, Dienste in Ubersee â€" West Germany, Education and Culture Department.
For more than 46 years PCU has played its role in developing higher education in Indonesia. PCU has graduated 20,000 alumni spread over the whole country. A good alumni network which has a positive image in the society’s perspective is an achievement that needs to be further improved. Today, more than 75% of PCU alumni are entrepreneurs in both industry and services.
The students of Petra Christian University come from diverse cultural backgrounds. They don't only come from East Java but also from other provinces in Java and the areas of East Indonesia. PCU facilitates the students’ activities internally through the students’ boards in campus and externally through national-wide and international activities. Active participation in various academic competitions, sports events, and arts held in Indonesia and abroad become an inseparable part of PCU students’ activities.
The students’ boards at PCU in the Department, the Legislative organization of Faculty (Badan Perwakilan Mahasiswa Fakultas), the student press (Pers Mahasiswa), Christian student organization (Pelayanan Mahasiswa), and university student organization (Majelis Perwakilan Mahasiswa, Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa) may become the place for the students to broaden their perspectives and express themselves through activities that suit their talent, interest, competence, and skills.
There are about 40 activity units that the students may join, ranging from intellectual activity and sports to arts appreciation. Through the programs, it is hoped that the students can develop the soft skill that is really needed when they enter the real job market and social life.
PCU has a strong basic commitment to provide the students with vast opportunity to pursue their education. This is actualized through the scholarship given to those who have academic and extra-curricular achievements or to those of less fortunate economic condition. The source of the scholarship does not only come from PCU but also from the government and some industries. In addition, the university also provides services related to health care, insurance, and well-being supports for the students.
Every year, PCU holds a selection process for the admission of new students based on the Interest and Aptitude Scouting through admission channels.
It is held around September/October through collaborations with senior high school partners. The scores for Mathematics and English in the eleventh grade of high school must meet the academic requirements set by PCU.
It is held around September/October through collaborations with senior high school partners. This channel does not need special academic requirements, but the admission still considers the scores of the subjects in the eleventh grade as well as the quota of the student intake in every department/program.
InCU-VL is a global virtual library as well as a partner for academic communities in developing learning communities, information searching skills and promoting the advancements of science and technology.

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