Sunday, September 15, 2013

Flores Sea

Flores Sea

Flores Sea

The Flores Sea covers 93,000 square miles of water in Indonesia.
The seas that border the Flores Sea are the Bali Sea, Java Sea (to the northwest), and the Banda Sea (to the east and northeast).
The Indian Ocean and Savu Sea lie to the south, but are separated from the Flores Sea by various islands.
Islands that border
Islands and Celebes.
this sea are the Lesser Sunda
Flores SeaOn the North. The South coast of Celedes [sic] [Sulawesi] from the West point of Laikang Bay to Tanjong Lassa (120x28'E).
On the East. The Western limit of the Banda Sea between Flores and Celebes [a line from Flores' Northern point to Kalaotoa Island and through the chain of islands lying between it and the South point of Pulo Salayar, through this island and across the Strait to Tanjong Lassa, Celebes.
On the South. The North coasts of Flores, Komodo, Banta and a line to Tanjong Naroe the Northeast point of Soembawa, thence along its North coast to Tanjong Sarokaja.
On the West. A line from Tg Sarokaja to the Western Paternoster island thence to the Northeastern Postiljon Island and to the West point of Laikang Bay, Celebes.

Related Sites for Flores Sea

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