Friday, September 20, 2013

A Brief History of the Indonesian Mining and Energy

Determination of the Indonesian Mining and Energy based on events that have a high historical value within the scope of the national struggle. On September 28, 1945, employees in the office Chisitsu native Chosasho (Bureau of Geology) are mostly young, took over by force Chisitsu Chosasho and changed its name to Poesat Djawatan Mines and Geology. It reflects the determination of the youth to uphold the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.
Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on August 17, 1945 brought a huge change in all sectors, including mining. After the broadcast over the radio, the news of the proclamation was arrested widely by the people in all over Indonesia. Indigenous employees in the office Chisitsu Chosasho (Bureau of Geology) are mostly young, capturing the news and they immediately prepare to take the necessary steps.
On September 25, 1945, the announcement of the Central Government which states that all public servants are servants of the Republic of Indonesia and to carry out orders of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. With reference to the Central Government orders, Indonesian National Committee of the newly formed city of Bandung, on 27 September 1945 announced on the radio that night the next day all of offices and companies in Bandung taken over from Japanese rule.
At 11:00 am Friday September 28, 1945, a group of young employee in the office Chisitsu Chosasho (Bureau of Geology) any act, they spearheaded by Prince Ali Tirtosoewirjo, Mr. AF Lasut, Mr. R. Soenoe Sjamsoe Soemosoesastro and Mr. M. Bahroem who took over by force Chosasho Chisitsu office of the Japanese, and since then the name of the office was changed to Poesat Djawatan Mines and Geology.
Mr. A.F. Lasut as young people possess resolute, refusing to cooperate with the Dutch. Yogyakarta when the Dutch troops occupied that Mr. AF Lasut on the morning of May 7, 1949 kidnapped by a gang of Dutch troops from Brigade Tijger of his residence in Pugeran, taken by jeep to the Ground, and then murdered in Sekip area, which is now entering Gadjah Mada University campus environment.
For his services, Mr. A.F. Lasut later awarded the title of National Hero of the Republic of Indonesia by Presidential Decree No.. 012/TK/Tahun 1969 dated May 20, 1969. With the enactment of Mr. A.F. Lasut as National Hero, then strengthening the foundation of that takeover Chosasho Chisitsu office (Bureau of Geology) on September 28, 1945 is the heroic events of importance to the mining and energy sectors. On September 28, 1945, also took over the offices Koza Denki Java (Java Power Company) forced by the youth.
Subsequently, on September 27, 2008, the Government issued Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 Year 2008 concerning the Mining and Energy is September 28.

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