Sunday, October 6, 2013

Syamsudin Noor Airport

Syamsudin Noor Airport

Syamsudin Noor Airport
Syamsudin Noor Airport
In early 2013, the airport serves 5.5 million passenggers, while the capacity is only for 4.0 million passengers. The authority has allocated Rp.2.1 trillion fund to develop the airport and predicted will be finished in end of 2014.
During the hajj season, the airport serves pilgrims from the region for a direct flight to Jeddah with a short stop over at Batam. A hajj terminal was built in order to coordinate pilgrims situated across the airport. also, this airport since 2010 was the busiest hajj airport in Indonesia with the largest amount of Hajj travelers than any other province in Indonesia.
In August 2012, about 58 hectares of 102 hectares or 57 percent of land clearing needed for the airport expansion has been acquired.

Related Sites for Syamsudin Noor Airport

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