Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sultan Aji Muhamad Sulaiman Airport

Sultan Aji Muhamad Sulaiman Airport

Sultan Aji Muhamad Sulaiman Airport
The construction of SAMS Airport had been started since the Dutch colonial era prior to Indonesian independence time. It was used mainly for the Dutch Oil Company's activities in Balikpapan area. The airport soon would become public and commercial airport after its management was handed over to Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara of Republic Indonesia in 1960. SAMS Airport was finally managed by Perum Angkasa Pura I due to Government Regulation (PP) No.1 on January 9th 1987.
SAMS Airport had been renovated twice during 1991 until 1997. The 1st phase was started in 1991 and ended in 1994, in order to renovate the taxiway, passenger and cargo terminals and also lengthened the runway. In 1995, the Indonesian government announced SAMS Airport as the 5th Indonesian hajj embarkation airport for Kalimantan region which also consists West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and South Kalimantan province.
The 2nd phase renovation took place in 1996 to renovate the hangars, fuel depots and the administration buildings. The 2nd phase was finished and the airport finally started its new operational era with the new buildings and facilities in 1997.
In order to anticipate and accommodate larger aircraft like Airbus A340 in the future, the government plan to extend the runway into 3250 meters.

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