Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sjafruddin Emergency Cabinet

Sjafruddin Emergency Cabinet

Sjafruddin Emergency Cabinet
On 19 December 1948 a meeting was held in Bukittinggi. Among those present were Sjarifuddin, Mr. Teuku Muhammad Hasan, Col. Hidayat (commander of the Sumatra Command) and other civilian and military officials.
Sjafruddin Emergency CabinetThree key positions were held by officials not present in Bukitinggi: General Sudirman, who was leading the guerrilla war in Java, Foreign Minister A.A. Maramis, who was in India, and Col. Nasution, territorial commander of Java. On 14 March 1949, the chairman sent a telegram to the leaders in Java proposing the inclusion of ministers still active in Java. After discussions via radiogram, the cabinet was reshuffled and the new lineup announced on 31 March 1949.

Related Sites for Sjafruddin Emergency Cabinet

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