Mustafa Abubakar

Mustafa held the position of governor of Aceh for just over one year throughout 2006. The period was an important one for Aceh. The major aid effort following the Asian tsunami of December 2004, in which about 170,000 people in Aceh died, was underway. In addition, the key Memorandum of Understanding signed in Helsinki in August 2005 to establish peace in the province after nearly 30 years of internal conflict was being implemented. There was therefore a great deal of interest, both from within Indonesia and abroad, in the management and governance of the province. The main events of his time in office are recorded in Berani tidak popular: Mustafa Abubakar memimpin Aceh masa transisi (Dare to be unpopular: Mustafa Abubakar's leadership of Aceh in a time of transition). He was succeeded as governor by Irwandi Yusuf who had formerly held positions in Free Aceh Movement.
Mustafa was appointed as the Chairman of the Indonesian Bureau of Logistics in March 2007 following the indictment of Widjanarko.
In 2010, Mustafa sought to resurrect a controversial plan to improve ties with Iran by investing in an Iranian fertilizer factory.
Related Sites for Mustafa Abubakar
- Rewards for Justice-wanted_terrorist - english read Mustafa Abubakar
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