Monday, October 7, 2013

Kahayan River

Kahayan River

Kahayan River
The Kahayan river, or Great Dyak, is the largest river in Central Kalimantan, a province of Indonesia in Kalimantan - the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo. The provincial capital Palangkaraya lies on the river. The main inhabitants are Dyaks, who practice slash-and-burn rice cultivation and pan for gold on the upper reaches. The lower Kayahan flows through a rich and unusual environment of peat swamp forests, which has been severely degraded by an unsuccessful program to convert a large part of the area into rice paddies, compounded by legal and illegal forestry.
Kahayan RiverThe Dayak tribes are the dominant people in the Kahayan river region. An Austronesian people, they have preserved some of their original culture and Kaharingan religion. They speak languages of the Barito family, related to the Malagasy language spoken in Madagascar. The Kaharingan religion combines ancestor worship, animism and dynamism. It is now considered a form of Hinduism.
The main Dayak tribes are the Ngaju, Ot Danum and Ma'anyan. The Ot Danum remain in the upstream regions of the Kahayan, Barito, Kapuas and Rungan rivers and preserve a traditional way of life. Many still live in longhouses and subsist through hunting, fishing and basic agriculture. Village elders practice traditional medicine and mark their status with intricate body tattoos and heavy ear adornments. The Ngaju have moved downstream, and to some extent assimilated with the mixed population of the towns further down the river, which includes Javanese, Maduranese, Batak, Toraja, Ambonese, Bugis, Palembang, Minang, Banjarese, Makassar, Papuan, Balinese, Acehnese and Chinese.
The lower reaches of the Kahayan river used to flow through a huge area of peat swamp forest, an unusual ecology that is home to many unique or rare species such as Orang Utans, as well as to slow-growing but valuable trees. The peat swamp forest is a dual ecosystem, with diverse tropical trees standing on a 10m - 12m layer of partly decayed and waterlogged plant material, which in turn covers relatively infertile soil. The peat swamp forests were being slowly cleared for small scale farming and plantations before 1997, but most of the original cover remained.
People have panned for gold in the Kahayan river for centuries. Following test drilling, a consortium of Canadian and Indonesian companies announced in 1997 that in-situ gold resources were at least 3.4 million ounces. In 2002 a Canadian company with a background in community development programs proposed to develop artisanal mining in the headwaters of the Barito and Kahayan Rivers in Kalimantan, providing income for some 13,000 Dayak people at project maturity. A large number of informal prospectors are undertaking alluvial operations within the river system, and mining hard rock gold veins. Even those doing hard rock mining transport the ore to the rivers for processing. More than 2,000 illegal miners may converge on a site when there is a reported gold find. In Indonesia as a whole, nearly 180 tonnes of mercury are released to the environment annually.
Hutan Kahaylan ) is a peat swamp forest of about 150,000 hectares between the Kastingen and Kahayan rivers that so far has suffered least from the Mega Rice Project, although it has been badly damaged. Because it is close to the regional capital Palangkaraya it is still at risk. Vulnerable bird species include the Large Green Pigeon (Treron capellei) and possibly Storm's Stork (Ciconia stormi) and Lesser Adjutant (Leptoptilus javanicus). The Sabangau Forest is centered on the blackwater Sabangau River. There is no longer any continuous forest cover where Orang Utans may cross this river. The forest has been badly damaged by legal and illegal forestry, but the western part is now protected as either National Park or National Laboratory Research Area. With a relatively small human population, there is some hope that the area of the forest may recover. The more badly damaged eastern part, between the Sabangau and the Kayahan, is still officially designated for agriculture, although no further efforts are being made to make it suitable for this purpose.

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