Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tegal, Central Java

Tegal, Central Java

Tegal, Central Java
Tegal, Central Java
The city of Tegal developed from a small village called Tetegual. The modernization of the village began in the early 1530s, and it eventually became part of the Pemalang Regency, which admitted the existence of the Pajang Empire in Central Java. The Pajang Empire was the successor of the Sultanate of Demak.
The city was founded by Ki Gede Sebayu. Together with the local people, he aspired to increase the region’s agriculture, exploiting its fertile soil. Because of his efforts to develop the region, he became the high leader and the symbol of the city. His coronation as leader was held simultaneously with a traditional festival celebrating a rich agricultural harvest. In accordance with district ordinance no. 5/1988, July 28 is the anniversary of the city of Tegal.
In the 1920s, the city was a center of activism for the Communist Party of Indonesia, and the radical leaders of the Tegal branch of the PKI were among the instigators of the 1926 rebellion that led to the temporary destruction of that party.
On October 8, 1945, an anti-feudalism movement called Gerakan Tiga Daerah was established in Tegal, Pekalongan, and Brebes. Its goal was to replace the blue-blood regents (related to the kings of Yogyakarta and Surakarta) with ordinary people. According to the leaders of this movement, the old regents had cooperated with the Japanese during the world war II and sent people to Japanese slave labor camps. The main leader of Gerakan Tiga Daerah was Sarjiyo, who became the new regent of Pekalongan. Others were Kutil, K. Mijaya and Ir. Sakirman. Ir Sakirman was the local leader of the PKI. The government of the Republic of Indonesia in Yogyakarta opposed Gerakan Tiga Daerah and declared it illegal.
Gerakan Tiga Daerah had the old regents arrested, stripped naked and dragged into prison. Other government officials and police officers were kidnapped and massacred at Talang bridge. The Gerakan Tiga Daerah also started a racial riot against ethnic Chinese in Brebes. On November 4, 1945, the movement attacked the Indonesian army headquarters and the regent office in Pekalongan. The rebels were defeated by the Indonesian army in a fierce battle on December 21, 1945, and most of their leaders were arrested and imprisoned. This rebellion is called the Three Regions Affair.
During the unrest following the resignation of President Suharto in 1998, Tegal was the site of extensive protests and occasional violence against local government officials, especially in June 1998.
Tegal has its own language, known as Bahasa Tegal. Some Indonesian comedians speak it because its accent and dialect arouse amusement. The greeting "How are you?" translates to "Kepriben kabare?"
It is common practice for people in Tegal to call their friends "Jon", "Jack" or "Jakwir". The translation for "Daddy" is Jasak, "Mommy" is Jok, a younger brother is addressed as Yarig and an older brother as Sahang. Many other words can only be understood by native Tegals. Bahasa Tegal also has many Arabic loan words.

Related Sites for Tegal, Central Java

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