Java Man is that the name given to fossils discovered in 1891 at Trinil - Ngawi Regency on the banks of the Solo stream in East Java, Indonesia, one among the first acknowledged specimens of Homo erectus. Its discoverer, Eugxne Dubois, gave it the scientific name pithecanthropus erectus, a reputation derived from Greek and Latin roots that means upright ape-man.
Java ManIn 1887, Eugxne Dubois began to excavate caves in southeast asia whereas operating as a military surgeon. Dubois hoped to find out a lot of regarding human evolution and to find an ascendant of contemporary man. With this goal in mind he traveled to Sumatra, however after he didn't notice the fossils he was craving for on the island he affected onto Java in 1890. aided by convict laborers and 2 army sergeants, Dubois began looking out on the Solo river at Trinil in August of 1891.

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